Because you never know what people will tweet

Dims media that you don't want to see, shows media you do

TweetDimmer ™ Homepage Image


Someone at your desk,
no problem

Concerned that some of the images that come in your feeds may send the wrong message? Don't worry, we've got you covered (well, the images actually). TweetDimmer™ helps you make sure questionable imagery isn't presented unknowingly.


Keeps unwanted media hidden

It's monitoring the media in your feeds even when you're not. Every single image is dimmed by default. If filtering is enabled, TweetDimmer ™ will inspect every item and only present those matching your preferences, all in real-time.


Easy setup

TweetDimmer ™ seemlessly integrates with Twitter and TweetDeck, and it's easy to configure. You set the threshold for four media types - adult, spoof, medical, and violent. Once your filter is setup, TweetDimmer™ goes to work in the background with no loss of performance.